VLOOKUP vs INDEX/MATCH: The Hottest Debate in Excel

Today I had to formally weigh in on the debate between VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH. This argument has gone on for years, and last week I heard strains of it rising up again. So, here’s what I say:

VLOOKUP is a tool. INDEX/MATCH is a tool. VLOOKUP has weaknesses, e.g., it’s easy to break, and it can’t do lookups to the left. Conversely, INDEX/MATCH is undoubtedly more robust. But it’s actually a function nested inside another function. That makes it awkward to work with.

They’re both legitimate choices. The problem comes up with the INDEX/MATCH zealots who call for the Excel developers at Microsoft to eliminate VLOOKUP. They are proud to post things like, “I haven’t used VLOOKUP in 10 years” and insist that VLOOKUP shouldn’t be taught to beginners because it’s a bad habit.

Basically, they’ve turned INDEX/MATCH into a religion … and they’re viciously recruiting new members.

My video makes 3 points:
1. VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH are tools. Period.
2. Your own context dictates which tool to use.
3. Don’t listen to the INDEX/MATCH insurgents. BOOO!

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Excel, COUNTIFS, Wildcards and the Most Popular Trio of Pizza Toppings

Of more than 200 pizza orders and 20 ingredients, which trio of toppings shows up the most?

This was more of a mind exercise because the Excel piece was easier than I thought. One challenge is that we want which 3 show up together the most–even if they are with other items. Example:

3 pizzas:
– Extra cheese, mushrooms, grilled onions
– Ham, extra cheese, black olives, grilled onions, mushrooms
– Mushrooms, pepperoni, grilled onions, extra cheese

These all count toward the trio of: extra cheese, mushrooms, grilled onions. We need Excel to see that.

The first step is to get a list of all the possible combinations of 3 toppings:

Out of 20 items, there are 1140 combinations of 3.

Thanks to the MathiIsFun website, we can get a list of all 1140 combinations.
Then we need Excel wildcards and COUNTIFS to tally how many times each of the 1140 trios was ordered.


For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Ken Puls ExcelGuru Challenge: Isolate Members and Memberships

Recently, Ken Puls of ExcelGuru.ca issued a challenge:
Isolate the members who have more than one type of membership and show all of their transactions.

This was tricky for a few reasons:
– One person had 2 transactions but for the same type of membership. We DON’T want that person in the final list.
– One person had 4 transactions for 3 types of memberships. We want to show all 4 transactions

This video shows my solution. You’ll see GroupBy, a Left Outer Join, and evvythang!


For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

#ExcelHash: Your Suggestions are Needed

#ExcelHash is a game we’re going to try out and you get to suggest the 4 ingredients.

Leila Gharani
Excel Campus

and I are going to build something based on your suggestions. It might be useful, it might be patently useless. The goal is to create something integrated that does SOMETHING. Anything. 😀

Suggestions so far:
A picture of a lizard
Data Consolidate

The 4 ingredients will be chosen at random on 6AUG.
Please. Leave your suggestions in the comment section or use
#ExcelHash on Twitter.

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Use Power Query to Identify 2 Consecutive Months of Underperformance

If performance is below standards for 2 consecutive months, something bad is going to happen!

Highlighting periods like that are challenging in Power Query because PQ forces us to think in terms of whole columns or whole tables. We can’t easily compare a range of cells against each other and pluck out the offenders.

This is based on a real project where a client could not bill for periods where they fell short of their promise for 2 consecutive months.

In this video I show a solution that includes merging tables, Unpivot, adding custom columns, and adding conditional columns. As an extra step, I make the threshold variable by using Power Query’s Drill Down and a little massagin

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

A Case Study on Data Quality: Find & Clean Skunk Data

Too often I see spreadsheets that have models built, complex formulas, etc. The user will come to me and ask for help with automation. But I often discover data quality issues that cause us to back up and assess everything.

I was helping someone with his project. Lots of data in multiple workbooks, summary pages, hidden sheets everywhere, fine details … just wild!

I slowed things down so that we could check the data quality. WOAH! That’s when my client observed how people were making additional rows of data to make amplifying details. Example:

Row1: Food/Catering
Row2: Coffee never arrived

Our goal was to count the Food/Catering problem. But, we have TWO rows … DOUBLING the number of problems that we really have. We don’t want that detail in Row2.

This video summarizes the situation. We look at the data using pivot tables. We then use tables and a Power Query inner join to merge the tables and isolate the data that we want to keep.

We don’t spend a lot of time on the Excel stuff. The focus here is on the importance of knowing your data and keeping data quality on your mind at all times.

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Redux: Students, Courses, Power Query, Group By & Lists

In my previous video I showed a solution to transforming data.
We started with students and the courses they took, and converted that to a view that shows, by course, which student took each one.

That video showed a one-and-done solution. It wasn’t dynamic; i.e., new students or courses would net be integrated.

In this video, I show how a violent mob came after me with brooms and things. They wanted a dynamic solution … and here it is!

This video shows how to use Group By in Power Query, and then add a Custom Column to extract data from a collapsed table through use of a list. We use the function: Table.Column

Then I demonstrated that the solution is indeed dynamic. And I close with a Thank You to all the people who’ve been supportive, challenging, and genuinely interested in keeping this world’s data clean.

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Steamy Data Transformation, Pivot, UnPivot & Expression.Error

We have a matrix showing Students and the courses they took: Connie took Menu Planning and Whiskey, Bourbon & Rye. But now, we’d like a view that lists the courses and which students took those courses; e.g., Who took the Nutrition course?

MarvP in Seattle hit me with this challenge and on one of the Excel forums, there was an Array Formula solution, and a solution with some List and M-Code trickery. I believe I came up with a sweeter, steamy, more sexy solution in Power Query with Pivot – Don’t Aggregate, UnPivot, Duplicate Column, Merge Columns.

I also show you one of those weird, unhelpful error messages in Power Query (Get and Transform): Expression.Error

Basically, when using Pivot – Don’t Aggregate, we’re asking Power Query to put our raw data into a grid. Don’t count it, sum it, or anything. But, if there are duplicates, Don’t Aggregate craps out.

A regular Pivot could give us a 2, 3 or whatever. But the Don’t Aggregate piece needs a place for each of those 2 or 3.

Check out the video, let me know if you have questions. And check out my courses at LinkedIn Learning for more Power Query and Excel.

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2

Calculating the Number of Days Until Next Birthday Using Power Query

Calculating the days until someone’s next birthday or anniversary is a messy affair in Excel. It’s especially messy for people who’s next birthday/anniversary is in the next calendar year.

This video shows an easier way to calculate the next birthday in Power Query. It takes a few steps but it’s more direct than the messy formula in Excel.

You’ll also see Power Query’s Column by Example; the POwer Query equivalent for the TODAY() function, and how to add 1 year to a date.

For info about the Amsterdam Excel Summit:

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2