Excel Campus License Plate Challenge: Odd vs. Even Days & License Plates

Jon Acampora of Excel Campus has an interesting challenge: https://youtu.be/-ByG6ULWOtA
Yellowstone National Park has a system where cars with even number license plates can come into the park on even numbered days. Odd number plates can enter on odd dates.

But what if a license plate doesn’t end with a number? (4CE-3DQ)
What if it doesn’t have any numbers? (BIG-DAY)

In this video I show a Power Query solution that uses the Information feature and the Text.Remove function.

For a list of my Excel courses at Lynda/LinkedIn:
There are courses on Power Query, Good spreadsheet habits, and a weekly Excel challenge that comes out every Friday.

Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition

My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2