Power Query: Split columns between digits and non-digits

This is a long-time problem with working with data: all of the fields are smashed against each other with no delimiter in between. In this video, names are smashed against phone number. How do we peel them apart?

In Power Query there is a brand new feature that splits columns in several ways:
– from Digit to Non-Digit
– from Non-Digit to Digit
– from UpperCase to LowerCase
– from LowerCase to UpperCase

Thus, it’s easy to split a column by the point where a string of letters changes to a number. It’s beautiful!

No more making wild formulas in Excel with the SUBSTITUTE function and Text-to-Columns. NO MORE! Those are officially the olden days!

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition

My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2