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TEXTBEFORE function | Splitting names from professional designations

The TEXTBEFORE functions was recently released in this video I show 3 uses for TEXTBEFORE, it’s strengths and limitations. In this example we have names and professional designations. The problem is some people have more than one designations, some have 1 designation and some folks have no designations. BUT! We have to be careful. We […]

TOCOL and DROP | 2 of the 14 new Excel functions | Unwinding a grid

14 new functions were released into Excel recently. In this video I cover two of them: TOCOL: converts a rectangular matrix into a single column DROP: retrieves a rectangular array and drops (eliminates) columns that aren’t needed. One thing to know: you can drop columns starting from the beginning or end of a range. You […]

Excel: Importing data from an image

Recently, I’ve been getting mail that contains data that I need to get off of the paper and into Excel. Typing the data into Excel is one option. But I figured there must be better ways. In this video I show 2 ways to get data by taking a picture, then converting the text from […]

Power Query Challenge: Split by Multiple Delimiters | Merge All Columns

Iranian Dr. Excel posted a challenge on LinkedIn: How can you split columns when there are multiple delimiters? Ex: Joe+Lisa+Francine/Kathy Rita&Sal&Gene Samantha/Denise This was interesting for several reasons: 1. It’s very easy to do if you want a 1-and-done solution with just 3 delimiters. However, 2. If you want something truly dynamic, it involves solving […]

Excel NETWORKDAYS part 3: calculating custom weekends with Power Query

In the previous 2 videos we’ve looked at calculating NETWORKDAYS and days off that aren’t just Saturday and Sunday. Thanks for Bill Szysz, Wayne Edmondson, XLarium and others for leading a lively discussion and offering really cool formula-based solutions. (The conversation is on this video: https://youtu.be/njC1AvEU3fg) In this video I show you something I learned […]