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Excel Development: Building the Naughty-Nice-Ometer from scratch

This is a high speed video that goes through the details of making the Naughty-Nice-Ometer in Excel. The demo video is here: Blogpost: Excel, Christmas, Krampus & Kids Download the Naughty-Nice-Ometer here: http://datascopic.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/NNOmeter-from-scratch.xlsx It’s a fun little application but there’s a lot going on in what’s basically a tracker. With modifications this can be used […]

Icebucket challenge

I was challenged by Mr Excel and Charlie Vlahogiannis. I challenge Mike “ExcelIsFun” Girvin, Melanie Williams and Matt Conlin.

1A – Cooking Calculator Intro

This 9-video playlist will take you through building this cooking calculator. Originally assembled for a class called Excel Uncensored, the ultimate goal is to take students through many of Excel’s features The Cooking Calculator itself is only a vehicle to show you – VLOOKUP – Tables – Formula triggers – Dropdown lists – Formulas – […]

The Power of Excel & Data: Oz at IgniteChicago

On 2APR14 I had the honor of being a speaker at IgniteChicago. My topic: The Power of Data My presentation addresses the question: how did you get started using Excel? I describe a frustration that I had with a job and how this thing called “Excel” helped turn things around. It was the very first […]