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Mr. Excel (Bill Jelen) Challenge | Flattening Crazy Data | Podcast 2316

Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen, was presented with a challenge where someone’s data was twisted in a weird sort of way and needed to be untwisted; e.g. the data needed to be flattened. Here is the challenge: https://youtu.be/S9ow-1Jq_rE Bill asked for other solutions than his own. Here’s mine. This is one of those examples where it […]

ComputerGagaChallenge 2: Data Normalization and Missing Entries

In the previous video I showed a solution to a problem presented by Alan Murray at ComputerGaga. But Haider Ali asked about missing entries. (To purchase Excel Insights, here it is: https://www.mrexcel.com/store/index.php?l=product_detail&p=381) The challenge requires data to be converted from jumbled lists and into neat rows. The lists are what people have chosen for an […]

ComputerGaga challenge: Convert Columns into Normalized Rows

Alam Murray at ComputerGaga postd a challenge that someone had asked him to help with. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alanmurray-computergaga_excel-powerquery-activity-6621158742408867840-lhby Data containing meal selections came in looking like rosters, and weren’t helpful to anyone. So, the data needed to be converted 2 ways. – A count of requests for each offered meal – Each person on a row with […]

Reconciling Christmas Payments 2: Merging a Table with Itself

In the previous video I showed how to reconcile Christmas payments between 3 siblings. It seemed that classic Excel using SUMIFS was a better solution that Power Query. However, after posting the video, Miguel Escobar offered a simple Power Query solution. But it’s tricky. It involves merging a table with itself and criss-crossing the fields. […]

The Majesty of DUPLICATE QUERY in Power Query

Duplicate Query in Power Query is underused and under-discussed. This video shows one way to use Duplicate Query to save from doing a lot of work over and over again. This video also shows split column; split column non-digit to digit; a little M-code. There’s great stuff to keep you from having to work so […]