Power Query: Split by Variable Columns (BONUS: Road Trip Summary)

It’s easy to use Power Query to split by, say, 5 columns. But, what if your data changes and needs to be split by 3 columns or 10 columns? That’s trickier–especially since Power Query will hard-code that 5 in the query and will ignore future changes.

This video shows how to get Power Query to cooperate. It takes a few steps, but we get it done!

Also. You’ll get to see where I’ve been during my time away. I finally went on a road trip that I’d been putting off for 7 years.


For a list of my Excel courses at Lynda/LinkedIn:
There are courses on Power Query, Good spreadsheet habits, and a weekly Excel challenge that comes out every Friday.

Website: https://ozdusoleil.com

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition

My old blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2