Mr. Excel (Bill Jelen) Challenge | Flattening Crazy Data | Podcast 2316

Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen, was presented with a challenge where someone’s data was twisted in a weird sort of way and needed to be untwisted; e.g. the data needed to be flattened.

Here is the challenge:

Bill asked for other solutions than his own. Here’s mine. This is one of those examples where it helped me most to bring the data into Power Query and then Transpose it. This may not have been the most efficient solution. However, after the Transpose, I could see a clear bath to the end.

The solution involves:
– Transpose
– Unpivot
– Pivot

For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition

My old blog: