Passing a Parameter in Power Query: Find reviews that need to be done in x days
In this video we want to look up whose annual review is due within x days. Quickly list who’s due in 30 days, 14 days, 90 days …
To make this easy–especially if this Excel workbook is for someone unfamiliar with Excel–we’ll set things up to “pass a variable” or “pass a parameter” into Power Query.
It requires a little M-coding. A little!
Passing a parameter or variable into Power Query seemed like a strange idea. Why not just use a filter? That was my thought until I came across an odd situation:
We need to import data from specific files, but never all at once. But it’s a hassle to navigate from one file to another. It’s better to go ahead and import all the data and then pass a variable to Power Query and let Power Query filter what we need and don’t need.
Excel on Fire shirts and mugs:
For an intro to Power Query try my course:
My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
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