Excel Power Query: Import Data from Web Page and Clear Line-Breaks

Power Query has Clean and Trim features, but sometimes those don’t work with line-breaks.

1:49 Importing the data from the Wikipedia page
2:29 Unpivot
3:13 Split columns
3:35 Explanation of the problem of the data being on multiple lines
4:30 Clean & Trim (they don’t work)
4:48 Setting up the data to
5:36 #(lf) to expose the line-feeds
6:22 Split columns
6:50 Unpivot

This video imports data from a Wikipedia page and cleanses it. The problem is each cell has a tall column of data that needs to be parsed. To do this, watch how we have to get crafty because it’s necessary to handle this with M code.

We have to use #(lf)

Along the way, you’ll see:
Replace Values
Trim and Cleanse
And lots of fire.

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