3 More Warnings re: Get and Transform: Disappearing Headers, Conditional Columns, Strange Duplicates

Here’s another video that offers warnings about Excel’s Get and Transform (Power Query).

Get and Transform does a lot of exciting things, but there are some things that are still better done in native Excel, and there unexpected ways you can be stung.

So, rather than how-to, this video warns about ways to get stung if you don’t know better.

Warning #3 is based on a client of mine’s. Get and Transform was suddenly importing duplicates and I couldn’t figure out why. After about 2 weeks of digging around, I noticed that someone set a print area, and Get and Transform treated that like a separate object, and not duplicate data.

2:30 – 4:56
Headers disappear when using Get and Transform’s Transpose feature.
4:57 – 7:24
No math or operations can be used in a Conditional Column
7:25 – 11:10
Mysterious import of duplicates because someone set a print area

There’s a lot more in this video. You also see:

– Conditional Columns
– Writing IF statements in Get and Transform (Power Query)
– Custom Columns
– Importing data from another workbook
– Compiling data from multiple worksheets.
– Transposing data in Get and Transform (Power Query)
– Data-cleansing and data-shaping techniques

My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition

My blog: http://datascopic.net/blog-2-2